If there are only a couple of enemies nearby, and no Guard House in the vicinity, a more brash “run and gun” approach might work to polish off the final foes.

You can hover over these to see how many guards are inside, but in reality, any at all is too many. These buildings are known as Guard Houses and are marked on the map with a large red bell icon with an exclamation mark on them. If you raise the alarm, by letting an enemy viewcone go red, then these buildings will empty, and you’ll suddenly be faced with additional guards to face off against, as well as those who have run to the alarm from nearby areas. Dotted throughout the levels are various buildings that host additional enemies in them. Not all red viewcone situations are the same though, and knowing when you can risk being seen and not is also an important consideration. Wherever possible, try and avoid viewcones going red, as it will often mean your death, and a swift load of your latest save. When it turns to red, you’ve been spotted, and nearby enemies will also be alerted that you’re here and need to be taken care of. Once you are spotted, this will change to yellow, meaning they will actively seek you out. Green means the awareness level is low, and the guards are not alerted to your presence. The colour of the viewcone is your final hint. Full-colour viewcones mean you’ll be seen no matter whether you’re crouched or not. Hatched areas of a viewcone, for example, mean you can sneak past undetected if you remain crouched. Hovering over an enemy will reveal their viewcone, you can even select an enemy viewcone to remain on permanently, which is perfect for timing an action to avoid their gaze.īut the viewcones themselves are more nuanced than that. You’ll need to make sure you’re aware of not just where foes are, but the direction they are looking, and if this changes over time.

Like all good stealth games, the key is avoiding being seen by the enemies dotted around the landscape. Pay attention to viewcones, and their colour A fully rotating and zoomable camera means you can pitch your view just so for optimum visibility. It’s also a good idea to familiarise yourself with the camera controls to get the best viewpoint in a particular situation. These include objects you can pick up, doors, enemies and the numerous bushes and undergrowth that you can hide bodies in to avoid arousing further suspicion. You’ll need to be clear where enemies are, and how they are moving, to look for openings for takedowns, or to move past them unseen.Ī quick press down of the left stick on a controller (or the “H” key if you’re on PC) will highlight the specific objects in the environment that you can interact with. It’s crucial that you survey your surrounding area before moving around. The benefit of Desperados III top-down, isometric style, means you can easily make out your surroundings, and this is intentional. A reminder to save will pop up after a minute has passed without save, but this can be amended in the options to a longer timeframe, should the flashing reminder be popping up too frequently for your liking. It’s well worth doing every time you make progress in a level to avoid going over old ground. Upon failure, you can load from the most recent of these three save states. To help you out, there’s a very slick save feature in Desperados III that you can initiate with the press of a button. A single misstep will alert the guards, and a swarm of them will bear down on you with often deadly consequences.
Desperados 3 levels full#
The game is designed so that each level is full of mini scenarios of enemies you need to navigate through before proceeding to the next. The single most important piece of advice in all of our Desperados III tips, is to accept the fact that you’re going to fail, and die.
Desperados 3 levels series#
It’s quite challenging, but we here at God is a Geek have compiled a series of Desperados III tips to help you get started in MiMiMi Games’ latest adventure. Your decisions need to be well-thought-out and precisely executed to weave your way through the levels as undetected as possible. But there’s no getting away from the fact it is a tough game to play. It’s packed full of style, bravado and well-designed levels, you’ll spend hours enjoying. Desperados III is a glorious tactical adventure set in the Wild West.