General remarks on Caesar's year as praetor.Ĭaesar leaves for his province in Spain Crassus protects him fromĬ.Caesar governs Further Spain, and fights against the Lusitani.Ĭato forces Caesar to abandon his plans for a triumph. Of Catilina are punished Caesar strongly rejects accusations thatĪs a woman, in the house of Caesar during the rites of the goddess This period include Cicero, Caesar, Sallustius, Lucretius and CatullĬaesar attempts to remove Catulus' power to control building work onĬaesar is suspended from his office as praetor, but then reinstated. Labienus and Caesar accuse C.Rabirius of treason, but he is defendedĬaesar is elected to be pontifex maximus.
Gaius julius caesar name free#
The pirates set Caesar free after receiving a ransom, but he returnsĬaesar takes lessons in rhetoric from Apollonius Molon at Rhodes.Ĭaesar crosses over to Asia and helps to defeat Mithridates' supporteĬ.Caesar spends freely and runs up large debts in order to increaseĬaesar returns to Rome after being appointed pontifex in place of C.CĬaesar establishes a reputation as a good speaker, after returningĬ.Caesar is elected military tribune, ahead of C.Popillius.Ĭaesar makes a public speech at the funeral of his aunt Julia.Ĭaesar serves as quaestor in further Spain his ambition is stirredĬ.Caesar incites unrest in the towns of northern Italy.Ĭ.Caesar marries Pompeia, after the death of Cornelia.Ĭaesar as aedile spends large amounts of money in order to provideĪre prosecuted, possibly by C.Caesar, and convicted of murders commiĬaesar prosecutes C.Piso, who is defended by Cicero. N.Dolabella is prosecuted by C.Caesar on a charge of extortion in MacĬ.Antonius is accused by Caesar of extortion in the province of AchaeĬaesar is captured by pirates near the island of Pharmacusa. Sulla reluctantly agrees to pardon Caesar.Ĭaesar visits the court of Nicomedes, and is accused of having an indĮrmus capture and sack Mytilene C.Caesar wins an award for bravery. Julius Caesar) - Roman dictator, 49-44 B.C.Ĭaesar marries Cornelia, daughter of Cinna.Ĭaesar goes into hiding after antagonising Sulla, and avoids capture In the consulship of Sextus Julius and Lucius Aurelius Ĭaesar 18 (C. Sex.Caesar leads another Roman embassy to Achaea.ġ57] & Sex.

Julius Caesar) - Roman consul, 157 B.C.Ĭonsuls: Sex. On each line there is a link to the page where the name can be found.Ĭaesar 6 (Sex. There are many other sources available in translation online - for a fuller but less precise search, Search Ancient Texts. The names occur either in lists of events (arranged by year, from the 4th to the 1st century B.C.) or in translations of sources. Life Story: Well from the parents section is his birht story but the rest is rather self explanatory, he killed his father in the night and mad eit look like it was his mother, the people executed her for treason and the mob placed Gaius as leade rof the Julii, as he was the only son of the once great leader of the Julii, now the Julii are prospering under his rule and the mob has never felt so happy.This is part of the index of names on the attalus website.Weapon's/Items: Common genral outfit but during holidays then Gaius Julius Caesar would be seen with a Toga.Parents: A young woman who was rapped by a political leader of the Julii, when the boy was born the woman went to the man who ruled the Julii and said this was his son, as the mob was outraged he had to take the son in or suffer the wrath of the Mob which protected the family form the senate.Age: 24 ( A very young Gaius Julius Caesar ).